There is, however, currently limited advice for people with cancer, their families and friends. The key message seems to be that the risk of developing coronavirus is still low in comparison to seasonal influenza, which is more likely to be the cause of the symptoms described.
The symptoms of coronavirus are:
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
There are a few points to think about:
If you haven't had a flu vaccine injection, check with your GP/hospital team whether you should/can have one, as that is more of a risk, currently, than coronavirus.
If you develop symptoms that you are concerned about, contact NHS 111 and let them know you're having cancer treatment, or that you are caring for someone with cancer. Gov.UK and NHS websites have helpful information.
There is also a brief You Tube video '4 things patients with cancer should know about coronavirus 2019' .
Kind Regards,
Sandra McCall
Chief Executive Officer